Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Road Trip

Good bye house, we loved living here 

The house has been cleaned, the scooter has gotten sold, the time has come to leave Athens.  More hugs, more tears, and we finally hit the road.

Ahh, the road trip with kids... The ultimate test of parenting skills. I wish we could earn badges for challenges completed. Rain - trucks - road work - hitting Atlanta traffic at 5:03pm - snatched pretzels - spilled cheerios- sticky fingers - fake tummy aches - unscheduled bathroom stops - dvd's not working... How many times you switched from a driving shift only to realize that tending to kids' needs is actually more work than driving.

Yup, this trip was no different. Perhaps because this was our fourth road trip this year, kids got the idea that it was possible to sleep in the car,  and they were all out by 10pm. A major achievement for us! Unfortunately, because of the trailer our speed was 55-60 mph the whole way. We finally reached Michigan after eighteen hours of driving. The next morning kids went straight into their activities, yet Eial and me needed some serious recovery. 

  Child #1 - passed out

Child #2 - passed out

 Child #3 - passed out

 Time for midnight snack

The next few days we will be spending with Eial's family. Also, there is quite a bit of business we need to take care of. Among other things, we need to establish Michigan residency, transfer bank account, GET VISAS, unload the trailer, pack ten suitcases. I keep telling myself that one month from now we will be settled in our new home. Until then, I can only take one day at a time...

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