Thursday, November 22, 2012

More Kandy photos, and the crazy train ride...

Another day in beautiful Kandy! As we spent our second night in a hotel right on Kandy lake, we took advantage of the location and headed out for a stroll around the lake. Coming from India, we were blown away that we had a safe and clean sidewalk to walk on. The lake itself was clean, picturesque, and beaming with life. The views of Kandy town and surrounding mountains were superb. Kids were so busy watching animals all around them that they even forgot to complain about walking for so long.

This water monitor was the first creature we saw as we approached the lake. As we looked more closely, we noticed several more of them, lazily warming themselves in the morning sun.
We watched as this guy went into the water.

Maya spotted this pelican.

The view of Kandy lake as we walked around.
Counting fish and turtles in the water.

A floating plant island separates the main part of the lake from the smaller fish hatchery.

A kingfisher

Can you see the fish in the water?

A lovely pair or ducks

Maya posing next to an old tree

Raphael is already in the tree

This leaning tree was full of cormorants drying themselves in the wind. Unfortunately I can only see one in the photo. 

Another view of the lake.

Around Kandy lake.

Taking a break from walking.

Maya talking to her feathery friends.

Of course, they charged at Yinon...

More cormorants sitting on the tree branch.

Giant fruit bats.
Small island and view of Kandy town.

Schoolboys saying hello to us.
Eial and Maya visited the bookstore which was part of Buddhist Publication Society.

Check this out: Ministry of Health, Indigenous Medicine, Social Welfare, Probation & Child Care Services. Pretty cool government that takes indigenous medicine seriously!

At the entrance to crafts store, a lady is demonstrating traditional mat weaving techniques.

I love the alternating motives of elephants and peacocks.

This place was a total find. We thought we were entering a coffee shop in a busy market street, but it turned out to be a very serene and stylish hotel. The bar / coffee shop was completely empty and we totally took advantage of it. We had tea, lunch for kids, and roamed the halls of this beautiful hotel. 
A bartender happily agreed to pose for the picture, although we were mostly fascinated by the dark wood shelves behind him. They were quite old and of excellent craftsmanship.

Downtown Kandy. We still can't get over the fact of how orderly the traffic is, if there is any. And what happened to all the people?

The same intersection, a moment later.
Adorable Kandy train station. We were just happy unsuspecting travelers...

Kids trying to spot our train.

All aboard!

A train ride is always an attraction for our kids. And an attraction it was! Two and a half hours of merry hopping ride down the mountains, mostly balancing on edges and staring down the cliffs with no bottom in sight. Surprisingly, only Eial and I seemed concerned about this wild ride. Our kids and locals just snoozed away the whole way down.

After we got out alive from our train ride, we saw this warning sign, "Before stopping entraining and detraining is dangerous". I like the creative wording. I am happy we made it to Colombo in one piece!

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