Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mr. Kanaan and the Chicken

Last week while walking to school one morning with Raphael and Yinon a rickshaw driver pulled over to greet us. It was Mr. Kanaan, our favorite driver. Kids call him Mr. Funny Horn for the amusing honking sound that his horn makes. Mr. Kanaan is a busy man, I suspect he is everyone's favorite driver. Every time I call him asking for a ride he is always busy on another assignment. So we were quite surprised to see him pull over for us.

It appears that Mr. Kanaan was on the way to our house with... seven baby chicks in a plastic bag. Wow, that was a real surprise, but it kind of makes sense. He was the one driving us when Maya spotted bird cages in a pet shop on a side road (will write about that later). He also pulled over every time kids noticed baby goats or puppies on the road. On one of our weekend excursions he had taken us to two pet fish hatcheries. Him and Maya must be on the same wavelength when it comes to animals, and today he showed up with this precious gift for her - seven baby chicken.

I won't lie, I was quite excited as well. Right away I started exploring options in my head of how to set up a chicken pen. I thought Maya will be ecstatic. She's been asking me to let her raise chicken since we first got to Madurai.

But as soon as we reached home and let the chicken out in a shady area under the stairs, my fantasies have been put to an end. Mutamma, our cook and housekeeper, gave me a very serious look and a categorical "no way".  She thought live chicken would attract snakes and rats, and I should also mention ants, Maya's big nemesis. Eial-Sir was of the same opinion, we can not raise chicken neither inside nor outside of the house. Although the vote was tie with Mr. Kanaan and me in favor, and Mutamma and Eial against, we decided it was better to get the chickens out of the house before Maya  finds out they were ever here. So we sent Mr. Kanaan away with seven baby chicks packed back in the plastic bag. But before we did that, we did take some pictures - see below.

On the way to school boys climbed these stairs of an empty office building and requested to be photographed

Surprise gift in a plastic bag

Would this be a good place to set up a chicken pen?

Right away, the chicken start eating and checking out the place

Sorry Mr. Kanaan, but we appreciate the thought

Goats on the main street, in search of some green grass

Mr. Kanaan pulled over when he spotted these puppies

At the fish hatchery that Mr. Kanaan took us to

Worker at the fish hatchery

More fish hatchery pics

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