Monday, October 17, 2011

No Car Seats: A Jolly Ride Home

Arrived in Madurai around 8am on Wednesday, September 28. A jeep was waiting for us and kids were very excited to hear that there were no car seats in India. They piled up to the trunk, snatched the camera, and took some silly pictures of themselves and us. They enjoyed the ride immensely, waving to motorcycles, rickshaws and school buses packed with kids on their way to school.

What did we see on our ride? Here is Maya's story in pictures about our ride home. It's hilarious that all she cares about is chickens, goats, and cows. Every creature we saw is accounted for!

According to Maya, we saw two chickens and one rooster.

We passed by a "stinky creek" with ? number or pigs and three piglets.

We saw a cow pulling a cart? I have to question that, haven't seen any carts pulled by cows. Cows are free in Madurai. But maybe she's right, perhaps there was a bullock pulling a cart in the outskirts of town closer to the airport. 

We saw a goat.

Maya noticed that houses here in India have flat roofs. Check out the photo below, that's a pretty correct drawing of the houses we passed by.

We saw a vendor selling fruit. Check out the sign with Tamil letters she drew.

Here are the photos of some things that struck Maya the most:

Reached home successfully. Here is Maya on her victorious run up and down the street. She is extremely excited about the green space next to our house. She is chasing the chickens and is begging us to let her adopt them.

Jet lag finally kicked in. They are all passed out in hot afternoon sun. I am pretty sure there was a power outage at that time, and one fan that Mr. Selvakumar kindly lent us had stopped blowing.

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